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Get Set 4 PE

Get Set 4 PE

  • Written by qualified PE teachers
  • PE scheme of work EYFS - Years 6
  • EYFS Statutory Framework and National Curriculum coverage
  • Clear progression of skills and knowledge
  • Teacher CPD and skills videos
  • Simple assessment tool
  • Everything to support a subject lead
Get Set 4 PE

We are committed to offering high quality content and tools that are affordable and accessible because we believe you can be a teacher and still enjoy your weekends.

Lesson Plans and SoW

Our inspiring lesson content was written by teachers, so you will feel their experience in your planning from smooth transitions to clever learning connections.

Revel in the assurance that your teaching is building on knowledge and skills and giving your children a secure foundation for their next phase of learning.


When it comes to assessment we believe:

  • It should be purposeful.
  • It should not be time consuming and take away from your teaching.
  • You should be able to record what you want and how you want for individuals and your classes.

These beliefs set our rules when designing your assessment tools. Whether you choose to evidence with video, audio, images and text, find an overall PE attainmen or add your own assessment criteria, you can be certain you won't be battling your team to do it.

Curriculum Design

Every school is different, that's why it’s important for us to offer a flexible space for you to immerse yourself in designing a curriculum that matches your vision and targeted outcomes.

Be confident you are teaching the Early Learning Goals, KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum outcomes, but feel proud of giving your children a motivating and memorable journey beyond just these standards.

Track your Data

PE is not just a series of calculations, it's about experiences, participation and building a love for movement. That's why, in just a few clicks you can obtain the data you need and spend your time on the interventions that matter most.

Zoom in on your Pupil Premium, EAL, FSM, SEN, and Greater Depth children with ease. Our clubs and competitions dashboard lets you track attendance at clubs and competitive events, making it a breeze to compare data over time and see the progress unfold. 

Awesome Stuff

A powerful PE curriculum is so much more than a SoW, but spending your weekends keeping up with everything is not ideal. Let us give you your time back with all the 'extras' on a PE leaders 'to do' list.

We are here for you whether you need lunchtime games, wet weather lessons, progression documents or sports day planning. You will feel us hold your hand when you lack confidence and cheer for you as you thrive.


You spend enough time keeping your PE cupboard in order, we thought we could at least help by auditing what resources you need, where to buy them from and have even managed to get a 10% discount for you...did I just hear your business manager cheering?


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